April 26, 2022
7:00 P.M
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Mayor Zdichocki invited all those present to stand in a salute to the colors.
Adequate Notice of this Meeting has been provided according to the Open Public Meetings Act, Assembly Bill 1030. Notice of this Meeting was included in the Annual Meeting Notice sent to the New Jersey Herald and the Daily Record on January 5, 2022 and was placed on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building and on the official website of the Borough of Stanhope.
In the event the Mayor and Council have not addressed all items on this Agenda by 10:00 PM and they are of the opinion that they cannot complete the Agenda in a reasonable time period, the Mayor and Council may exercise their option to continue this meeting at an agreed to date, time and place. Please turn off all cell phones for the duration of this meeting.
Councilwoman Kuncken – present
Councilman Thornton – present
Councilman Riccardi – present
Councilman Vance – present
Councilman Romano – present
Councilman Wronko – present
Mayor Zdichocki – present
Mayor Zdichocki opened the meeting to the public after advising attendees that there is a five (5) minute time limit for each speaker.
Nancy Hoyt asked if something could be done to have the garbage cans, which are curbside 24/7, removed. Mayor Zdichocki stated this issue would be handled by the Code Enforcement Official and she asked Mrs. Hoyt for the address in question. Mrs. Hoyt stated it is the first house coming in to the development which is considered Lloyd Avenue. Mayor Zdichocki advised Mrs. Hoyt that she can contact the Code Enforcement Officer during the week to register her complaint.
Seeing no one further from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Zdichocki closed the public portion of the meeting.
Mayor Zdichocki read aloud the list of minutes being presented for approval:
March 8, 2022 Work Session/Agenda Meeting
March 22, 2022 Business Meeting & Closed Session
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Wronko and unanimously carried by voice vote, the above listed minutes were approved.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilwoman Kuncken and unanimously carried by voice vote, the list of correspondence was accepted and ordered placed on file.
Public Safety – Councilwoman Kuncken/Councilman Vance
(Police, Fire, Ambulance, Court & Violations Bureau, Emergency Management)
Councilwoman Kuncken stated the Fire Department for the month of March reported there were 4 calls answered; 2 mutual aid calls; 4 drills; 5 academy trainings and 1 meeting for a total of 174.25 hours.
Councilwoman Kuncken stated the Police Department for the month of March reported 146 motor vehicle stops. Total calls for the month totaled 277. Councilwoman Kuncken stated a letter was sent to the Borough Engineer from the Police Chief and copied to the Public Safety Committee, Administrator and the Mayor. Councilwoman Kuncken is of the opinion the Administrator has forwarded the letter to the members of the Council as well. At last month’s meeting, a discussion was held with the Borough Engineer regarding the traffic study which relates to crossing guards and routes for walking to school. The Police Chief and the Borough Engineer are in direct communication regarding this matter. There is a question as to where the funding for the study will come from. Councilwoman Kuncken stated in speaking with the Administrator she was informed that the funding will have to come from the general engineering fund. Further discussion will take place with the Borough Engineer at a future meeting.
Finance & Administration – Councilman Romano/Councilman Thornton
Councilman Romano stated the tax collections for the month of March totaled $121,818.60. The year to date total is $3,216,556.81. The first quarter tax collection rate is at 97%.
Councilman Romano stated he did not receive a utility report for the month.
Community Development – Councilman Wronko/Councilman Riccardi
Councilman Wronko stated the Borough has prepared a Proclamation for Arbor Day which was read before tonight’s meeting. The Valley Road School will be holding an Arbor Day event on Friday. Leaf and brush collection will take place during the week of May 8th. The Memorial Day Parade will take place on May 30th.
Municipal Infrastructure – Councilman Thornton/Councilman Romano
(Water Distribution, Sewer Collection System, Road Construction & Maintenance, Buildings & Grounds)
Councilman Thornton stated hydrant flushing is continuing. This should be complete in a week.
Information Technology – Councilman Riccardi/Councilman Wronko
Councilman Riccardi stated he had no report this evening.
Boards/Commissions – Councilman Vance/Councilwoman Kuncken
Councilman Vance stated the Environmental Commission held their monthly meeting chaired by Mike Balogh. Last year, the Clean Communities Clean Up took place on April 28, 2021 which focused on the school area and Salmon Park. This year, a trail maintenance clean-up is scheduled for November 6th.
Councilman Vance stated the Musconetcong Regional Planning Board is sponsoring the annual fishing contest and lake awareness in conjunction with Stanhope Day on June 12th.
Councilman Vance stated Garage Sale Day is scheduled for June 11th.
Councilman Vance stated the Easter Egg Hunt took place on April 10th. The event was moved from April 9th to the 10th due to poor weather conditions. Councilman Vance extended his thanks to all the volunteers who participated to make the day a success.
Councilman Vance stated the Board of Health held the Free Rabies Clinic this past Friday. Councilman Vance thanked all the volunteers who assisted.
Councilman Thornton stated he read through the minutes from the Land Use Board meeting regarding Juntos Holdings. The information regarding the various types of trucks is appreciated however, Councilman Thornton is of the opinion that the recording studio, which Juntos wants to establish, is being overlooked and the necessity for it to be a 24-hour business. The minutes indicate that the applicant stated the building will be sound proof, so that no sound gets in or out. However, there seems to be a contradiction when another statement made says the reason for the 24-hour request is because there needs to be complete quiet. Councilman Vance replied the applicant was referring to the technicians being able to do the mixing and finalization in the evenings, not necessarily bands and so on being in there at night. That is not to say that bands would not be there at night from time to time. Councilman Thornton asked if this business is already established there or if it is an opportunity to market the square footage as such? Councilman Vance stated he did not have an answer to that question. Mayor Zdichocki stated Councilman Thornton would have to contact the Land Use Board for an answer to this question.
Mayor Zdichocki stated the Clean Up Day, which was scheduled for last weekend, was cancelled due to the fact it was determined the areas did not need appear to need any attention.
Mayor Zdichocki stated the Administrator is not here this evening due to the loss of a family member. Mayor Zdichocki stated she and Council are keeping Administrator McNeilly and his family in their thoughts and prayers.
Risk Management Training – Councilman Romano asked when the risk management training will be taking place for the governing body members. Mayor Zdichocki stated she will follow up with Administrator McNeilly to find out when the training will take place.
WHEREAS, N.J.S.40A:4-8 provides that the budget may be ready by title only at the time of the public hearing if a resolution is passed by not less than a majority of the full Governing Body, provided that at least one (1) week prior to the date of public hearing a complete copy of the approved budget, as advertised, has been posted in the Municipal Building and copies have been made available by the Clerk to persons requesting them; and
WHEREAS, these conditions have been met;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that the 2022 Municipal Budget shall be read by title at this Public Hearing for same.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Vance and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
Resolution 092-22 Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope Adopting the 2022 Municipal Budget
BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, that the budget herein before set forth is hereby adopted and shall constitute an appropriation for the purposes stated of the sums therein set forth as appropriations, and authorization of the amount of $5,124,413.00 for municipal purposes.
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Thornton and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
Mayor Zdichocki offered the following ordinance for Public Hearing and Final Adoption which was read by title.
Ordinance for Public Hearing and Final Adoption
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope, New Jersey as follows:
SECTION 1. That the Annual salary, wage and compensation to be paid to Borough employees and officials in 2022 be as follows:
Mayor $ 3,013.00
Borough Council Member 2,739.00
Administrator As per contract
Borough Clerk 68,986.00
Deputy Borough Clerk 40,573.00
Registrar 4,724.00
Deputy Registrar 2,536.00
Website Content Manager 4,110.00
Chief Financial Officer/Tax Collector to 3/31/22 113,401.00
Chief Financial Officer/ Tax Collector/Qualified Purchasing Agent, as of 3/30/22 95,000.00
Utility Collector/Asst to Tax Collector 42,561.00
Accounts Payable 25,830.00
Tax Assessor 22,548.00
Custodian 8,782.00
Chief of Police As per contract
Sergeant As per contract
Sergeant’s Stipend As per contract
Detective’s Stipend As per contract
Patrolman As per contract
Clerk Typist – Police Dept. 38,707.00
Police Matron $25.00 per hour
Police Matron – Call-out $50.00 per call-out
Special Officer $23.33 per hour
Crossing Guard $16.96 per hour
D.P.W. Superintendent $ 81,536.00
Water Operator 5,954.00
Sewer Operator 5,954.00
Water T-1 License Stipend 3,500.00
Public Works Repairer As per contract
Laborer As per contract
Part-time Laborer $13.00 to $15.00 per hour
Seasonal Help $15.60 per hour
Construction Official 26,018.00
Construction Secretary 9,393.00
Fire Subcode Official 3,174.00
Plumbing Subcode Official 3,649.00
Code Enforcement/Housing Officer/Zoning Officer 25,313.00
Land Use Secretary $ 10,600.00
Board of Health Secretary 5,006.00
Secretary to:
Shade Tree $25.00 per month*
Environmental Commission $25.00 per month*
Recreation Commission $25.00 per month*
*submission of monthly minutes required.
SECTION 2. Salaries and wages for all Borough employees and officials shall be paid in bi-weekly installments as nearly equal as possible.
SECTION 3. Unless otherwise provided herein, remuneration for all employees shall be retroactive to January 1st of each year.
SECTION 4. The salaries and wages herein established shall be in lieu of any and all fees to which the respective incumbents of said offices might otherwise be entitled by statute or ordinance; which fees shall immediately upon collection therof be paid over to the Treasurer for use of the Borough except as otherwise provided herein.
SECTION 5. The Borough shall pay medical insurance premiums in accordance with State law, collective bargaining agreements and the Borough’s elected participation in any State health benefit program for all eligible employees and their eligible dependents.
SECTION 6. The terms and conditions of all collective bargaining agreements negotiated between the Borough and any bargaining unit representing Borough employees are hereby incorporated into this Ordinance.
SECTION 7. All Ordinances and Resolutions, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final adoption and publication as required by law.
On motion by Councilman Riccardi, seconded by Councilman Romano and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing ordinance was adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
On motion by Councilman Wronko, seconded by Councilman Vance, and unanimously carried by voice vote, the Mayor and Council instructed the Clerk to post the ordinance and authorized publication of same.
Mayor Zdichocki offered the following ordinance for introduction which was read by title.
Ordinances for Introduction and First Reading [Public Hearings on May 10, 2022]
BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, AS FOLLOWS;
Section 1. The several improvements described in Section 3 of this capital ordinance are hereby respectively authorized as general improvements to be made or acquired by the Borough of Stanhope, New Jersey. For the said several improvements or purposes stated in said Section 3, there are hereby appropriated the respective sums of money therein stated as the appropriations made for said improvements or purposes, said sums being inclusive of all appropriations heretofore made therefore and amounting in the aggregate to $26,987.00 which has heretofore been set aside for the improvement or purpose stated in Section 3 and now available therefore by virtue of provision in a previously adopted budget or budgets of the Borough for capital improvement purposes.
Section 2. For the financing of said improvements or purposes and to meet the part of said $26,987.00 appropriations, the Borough will use $26,987.00 from the General Capital Improvement Fund, as described in Section 3.
Section 3. The improvements hereby authorized and the several purposes for the allocation of which said obligations are to be spent, the appropriation made for an estimated cost of each such purpose, and the estimated maximum amount of funds to be spent for each such purpose, are respectively as follows:
General Capital Improvement Fund:
Fire Department – Equipment purchase, including personal
protective equipment & gear ……………………………………………….. $10,957.00
Police Department& Traffic Safety Equipment, including
Portable speed signs ………………………………………………………… $ 6,530.00
Shade Tree Commission- Planting Supplies, including trees
& all related planting costs ……………………………………………………$ 9,500.00
All the aforestated improvements or purposes where applicable, are in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the Borough Clerk, which specifications are hereby approved.
Section 4. The following additional matters are hereby determined, declared, recited and stated:
- The said purposes described in Section 3 of this capital ordinance are capital expenses and are each a property or improvement that the Borough may lawfully acquire or make as a general improvement, and no part of the cost thereof has been or shall be specifically assessed on property specially benefited thereby.
- The average period of usefulness of said purposes within the limitations of said Local bond Law and taking into consideration the respective amounts of the said obligations authorized for the several purposes, according to the reasonable life thereof computed by this capital ordinance, is five (5) years.
Section 5. This capital ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after the publication thereof after final adoption.
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Thornton and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing ordinance was introduced.
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Riccardi, and unanimously carried by voice vote, the Mayor and Council instructed the Clerk to post the ordinance and authorized publication of same.
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF STANHOPE, IN THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX, NEW JERSEY (not less than two-thirds of all the members thereof affirmatively concurring), AS FOLLOWS:
Section 1. The several improvements described in Section 3 of this bond ordinance are hereby respectively authorized as general improvements to be made or acquired by The Borough of Stanhope, New Jersey. For the said several improvements or purposes stated in said Section 3, there are hereby appropriated the respective sums of money therein stated as the appropriations made for said improvements or purposes, said sums, except as described in said Section 3, being inclusive of all appropriations heretofore made therefor and amounting in the aggregate to $521,325 including the aggregate sum of $17,005 as the several down payments for said improvements or purposes required by law and more particularly described in said Section 3 and now available therefor by virtue of provision in a previously adopted budget or budgets of the Borough for down payment or for capital improvement purposes and including also, in the case of the improvement or purpose described in paragraph (b) of said Section 3, the sum of $181,200 received or expected to be received by the Borough from the New Jersey Department of Transportation as a grant-in-aid of financing said improvements to Valley Road and Delaware Road.
Section 2. For the financing of said improvements or purposes and to meet the part of said $521,325 appropriations not provided for by application hereunder of said down payments and grant, negotiable bonds of the Borough are hereby authorized to be issued in the principal amount of $323,120 pursuant to the Local Bond Law of New Jersey. In anticipation of the issuance of said bonds and to temporarily finance said improvements or purposes, negotiable notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $323,120 are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to and within the limitations prescribed by said Local Bond Law.
Section 3. The improvements hereby authorized and the several purposes for the financing of which said obligations are to be issued, the appropriation made for and estimated cost of each such purpose, and the estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes to be issued for each such purpose, are respectively as follows:
(a) Acquisition by purchase of new and additional equipment, including one (1) leaf trailer for use by the Department of Public Works of the Borough, together with all equipment, appurtenances and accessories necessary therefor or incidental thereto, all as shown on and in accordance with the specifications therefor on file or to be filed in the office of the Borough Clerk and hereby approved
(b) Improvement of various roads in and by the Borough by the construction or reconstruction therein of roadway pavements at least equal in useful life or durability to a roadway pavement of Class B construction (as such term is used or referred to in Section 40A:2-22 of said Local Bond Law) including, without limitation, Valley Road, Delaware Road and Elizabeth Avenue, together with all structures, appurtenances, milling, curb and sidewalk reconstruction, drainage improvements, equipment, work and materials necessary therefor or incidental thereto, all as shown on and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file or to be filed in the office of the Borough Clerk and hereby approved, the $432,075 hereby appropriated therefor being inclusive of the sum of $181,200 received or expected to be received by the Borough from the New Jersey Department of Transportation as a grant-in-aid of financing said improvements to Valley Road and Delaware Road.
Except as otherwise stated in paragraph (b) above with respect to the said $181,200 grant-in-aid of financing the purpose described in said paragraph, the excess of the appropriation made for each of the improvements or purposes aforesaid over the estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes to be issued therefor, as above stated, is the amount of the said down payment for said
Section 4. The following additional matters are hereby determined, declared, recited and stated:Except as otherwise stated in paragraph (b) above with respect to the said $181,200 grant-in-aid of financing the purpose described in said paragraph, the excess of the appropriation made for each of the improvements or purposes aforesaid over the estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes to be issued therefor, as above stated, is the amount of the said down payment for said purpose.
- The said purposes described in Section 3 of this bond ordinance are not current expenses and each is a property or improvement which the Borough may lawfully acquire or make as a general improvement, and no part of the cost thereof has been or shall be specially assessed on property specially benefited thereby.
- The average period of usefulness of said purposes within the limitations of said Local Bond Law and taking into consideration the respective amounts of the said obligations authorized for the several purposes, according to the reasonable life thereof computed from the date of the said bonds authorized by this bond ordinance, is 11.31 years.
- The supplemental debt statement required by said Local Bond Law has been duly made and filed in the office of the Borough Clerk and a complete executed duplicate thereof has been filed in the office of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey, and such statement shows that the gross debt of the Borough as defined in said Local Bond Law is increased by the authorization of the bonds and notes provided for in this bond ordinance by $323,120, and the said obligations authorized by this bond ordinance will be within all debt limitations prescribed by said Local Bond Law.
- Amounts not exceeding $50,000 in the aggregate for interest on said obligations, costs of issuing said obligations, engineering costs and other items of expense listed in and permitted under Section 40A:2-20 of said Local Bond Law may be included as part of the costs of said improvements and are included in the foregoing estimate thereof.
Section 5. The funds from time to time received by the Borough on account of the grant referred to in Section 1 of this bond ordinance shall be used for financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3(b) of this bond ordinance by application thereof either to direct payment of the costs of said improvement or purpose, or to payment or reduction of the authorization of the obligations of the Borough authorized by this bond ordinance. Any such funds so received may, and all such funds so received which are not required for direct payment of such costs shall, be held and applied by the Borough as funds applicable only to the payment of obligations of the Borough authorized by this bond ordinance.
Section 6. All bond anticipation notes issued hereunder shall mature at such times as may be determined by the Chief Financial Officer, provided that no note shall mature later than one year from its date. The notes shall bear interest at such rate or rates and be in such form as may be determined by the Chief Financial Officer. The Chief Financial Officer shall determine all matters in connection with the notes issued pursuant to this bond ordinance, and the Chief Financial Officer’s signature upon the notes shall be conclusive evidence as to all such determinations. All notes issued hereunder may be renewed from time to time subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:2-8. The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to sell part or all of the notes from time to time at public or private sale at not less than par and to deliver them to the purchasers thereof upon receipt of payment of the purchase price plus accrued interest from their dates to the dates of delivery thereof. The Chief Financial Officer is directed to report in writing to the governing body of the Borough at the meeting next succeeding the date when any sale or delivery of the notes pursuant to this bond ordinance is made. Such report must include the principal amount, interest rate and maturities of the notes sold, the price obtained and the name of the purchaser.
Section 7. The full faith and credit of the Borough are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on the said obligations authorized by this bond ordinance. Said obligations shall be direct, unlimited obligations of the Borough, and the Borough shall be obligated to levy ad valorem taxes upon all the taxable property within the Borough for the payment of said obligations and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount.
Section 8. The capital budget or temporary capital budget of the Borough is hereby amended to conform with the provisions of this ordinance to the extent of any inconsistency herewith and the resolutions promulgated by the Local Finance Board showing all detail of the amended capital budget or temporary capital budget and capital program as approved by the Director, Division of Local Government Services, are on file with the Borough Clerk and are available for public inspection.
Section 9. This bond ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days after the first publication thereof after final adoption, as provided by said Local Bond Law.
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Wronko and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing ordinance was introduced.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Wronko, and unanimously carried by voice vote, the Mayor and Council instructed the Clerk to post the ordinance and authorized publication of same.
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF STANHOPE, IN THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX, NEW JERSEY (not less than two‑thirds of all the members thereof affirmatively concurring), AS FOLLOWS:
Section 1. The improvement described in Section 3 of this bond ordinance is hereby authorized as a general improvement to be made or acquired by The Borough of Stanhope, New Jersey. For the said improvement or purpose stated in said Section 3, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $687,540, said sum being inclusive of all appropriations heretofore made therefor and including the sum of $677,000 received or expected to be received by the Borough from the FY2022 Congressional Community Funded Projects as a grant-in-aid of financing said improvement.
Section 2. For the financing of said improvement or purpose and to meet the part of said $687,540 appropriation not provided for by application hereunder of said grant, negotiable bonds of the Borough are hereby authorized to be issued in the principal amount of $10,540 pursuant to the Local Bond Law of New Jersey. In anticipation of the issuance of said bonds and to temporarily finance said improvement or purpose, negotiable notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $10,540 are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to and within the limitations prescribed by said Local Bond Law.
Section 3. (a) The improvement hereby authorized and purpose for the financing of which said obligations are to be issued is the improvement of the water supply and distribution system in and by the Borough, including by the installation and rehabilitation of water mains in and along various roads, together with all the aforesaid all site work, structures, appurtenances, engineering, surveys, equipment, work and materials necessary therefor or incidental thereto, all as shown on and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file or to be filed in the office of the Borough Clerk and hereby approved.
(b) The estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes to be issued for said purpose is $10,540.
(c) The estimated cost of said purpose is $687,540, the excess thereof over the said estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes to be issued therefor being the amount of the said $677,000 FY2022 Congressional Community Funded Projects grant.
Section 4. The following additional matters are hereby determined, declared, recited and stated:
(a) The said purpose described in Section 3 of this bond ordinance is not a current expense and is a property or improvement which the Borough may lawfully acquire or make as a general improvement, and no part of the cost thereof has been or shall be specially assessed on property specially benefitted thereby.
(b) The period of usefulness of said purpose within the limitations of said Local Bond Law, according to the reasonable life thereof computed from the date of the said bonds authorized by this bond ordinance, is forty (40) years.
(c) The supplemental debt statement required by said Local Bond Law has been duly made and filed in the office of the Borough Clerk and a complete executed duplicate thereof has been filed in the office of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey, and such statement shows that the gross debt of the Borough as defined in said Local Bond Law is increased by the authorization of the bonds and notes provided for in this bond ordinance by $10,540, and the said obligations authorized by this bond ordinance will be within all debt limitations prescribed by said Local Bond Law.
(d) An aggregate amount not exceeding $65,000 for interest on said obligations, costs of issuing said obligations and other items of expense listed in and permitted under section 40A:2-20 of said Local Bond Law may be included as part of the cost of said improvement and is included in the foregoing estimate thereof.
(e) This bond ordinance authorizes obligations of the Borough solely for purposes described in paragraph (h) of section 40A:2-7 of said Local Bond Law, and the said obligations authorized by this bond ordinance are to be issued for a purpose which is self-liquidating within the meaning and limitations of section 40A:2-45 of said Local Bond Law and are deductible, pursuant to paragraph of (c) of section 40A:2-44 of said Local Bond Law, from the gross debt of the Borough.
Section 5. The funds from time to time received by the Borough on account of the grant referred to in Section 1 of this bond ordinance shall be used for financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of this bond ordinance by application thereof either to direct payment of the costs of said improvement or purpose, or to payment or reduction of the authorization of the obligations of the Borough authorized by this bond ordinance. Any such funds so received may, and all such funds so received which are not required for direct payment of such costs shall, be held and applied by the Borough as funds applicable only to the payment of obligations of the Borough authorized by this bond ordinance.
Section 6. All bond anticipation notes issued hereunder shall mature at such times as may be determined by the Chief Financial Officer, provided that no note shall mature later than one year from its date. The notes shall bear interest at such rate or rates and be in such form as may be determined by the Chief Financial Officer. The Chief Financial Officer shall determine all matters in connection with the notes issued pursuant to this bond ordinance, and the Chief Financial Officer’s signature upon the notes shall be conclusive evidence as to all such determinations. All notes issued hereunder may be renewed from time to time subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. §40A:2-8. The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to sell part or all of the notes from time to time at public or private sale at not loss than par and to deliver them to the purchasers thereof upon receipt of payment of the purchase price plus accrued interest from their dates to the dates of delivery thereof. The Chief Financial Officer is directed to report in writing to the governing body of the Borough at the meeting next succeeding the date when any sale or delivery of the notes pursuant to this bond ordinance is made. Such report must include the principal amount, interest rate and maturities of the notes sold, the price obtained and the name of the purchaser.
Section 7. The full faith and credit of the Borough are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on the said obligations authorized by this bond ordinance. Said obligations shall be direct, unlimited obligations of the Borough, and, unless paid from revenues of the water supply and distribution system of the Borough, the Borough shall be obligated to levy ad valorem taxes upon all the taxable property within the Borough for the payment of said obligations and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount.
Section 8. The capital budget or temporary capital budget of the Borough is hereby amended to conform with the provisions of this ordinance to the extent of any inconsistency herewith and the resolutions promulgated by the Local Finance Board showing all detail of the amended capital budget or temporary capital budget and capital program as approved by the Director, Division of Local Government Services, are on file with the Borough Clerk and are available for public inspection.
Section 9. This bond ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days after the first publication thereof after final adoption, as provided by said Local Bond Law.
On motion by Councilman Wronko, seconded by Councilman Vance and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing ordinance was introduced.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Wronko, and unanimously carried by voice vote, the Mayor and Council instructed the Clerk to post the ordinance and authorized publication of same.
Mayor Zdichocki offered the following resolutions which were read by title.
WHEREAS, the Borough Council adopted Ordinance # 2022-03 on April 26, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope desires to set the specific salaries for full-time and part-time non-contract Borough employees for the year 2022,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following salaries are retroactive to January 1, 2022 unless otherwise noted:
Patricia Zdichocki Mayor $ 3,013.00
Anthony Riccardi Council Member 2,739.00
Diana Kuncken Council Member 2,739.00
Thomas Romano Council Member 2,739.00
Eugene Wronko Council Member 2,739.00
Bill Thornton Council Member 2,739.00
Michael Vance Council Member 2,739.00
Brian McNeilly Administrator As per contract
Ellen Horak Borough Clerk 68,986.00
Linda Chirip Deputy Borough Clerk 40,573.00
Ellen Horak Registrar 4,724.00
Linda Chirip Deputy Registrar 2,536.00
Linda Chirip Website Content Manager 4,110.00
Dana Mooney Chief Financial Officer/Tax Collector pro-rated to 3/31/22 113,401.00
Angelica Sabatini Chief Financial Officer/Tax Collector/Qualified Purchasing Agency as of 3/30/22 95,000.00
Maria Mascuch Utility Collector/Asst. to Tax Collector 42,561.00
Tammy Minniti Accounts Payable 25,830.00
Jason Laliker Tax Assessor 22,548.00
Ward Sherrer Custodian 8,782.00
Steven Pittigher Chief of Police As per contract
Sergeant As per contract
Sergeant’s Stipend As per contract
Detective’s Stipend As per contract
Patrolman As per contract
Virginia Citarella Clerk Typist – Police Dept 38,707.00
Various Police Matron $25.00 per hour
Various Police Matron – Call-out $50.00 per call-out
Various Special Officer $23.33 per hour
Various Crossing Guard $16.96 per hour
Jason Titsworth Superintendent 81,536.00
Jason Titsworth Water Operator 5,954.00
Jason Titsworth Sewer Operator 5,954.00
Jason Titsworth. Water T-1 License Stipend 3,500.00
Public Works Repairer As per contract
Laborer As per contract
Various Part-time Laborer $13.00 to $15.00 per hour
Various Seasonal Part Time $15.60 per hour
Thomas Pershouse Construction Official 26,018.00
Tammy Minniti Clerical – Construction 9,393.00
Thomas Dixon Code Enforcement/Housing Officer/Zoning Officer 25,313.00
Ellen Horak Land Use Secretary 10,600.00
Monique McNeilly Board of Health Secretary 5,006.00
Secretary to:
Shade Tree 25.00 per month*
Environmental Commission 25.00 per month*
Recreation Commission 25.00 per month*
*submission of monthly minutes required.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough Administrator is authorized to set the salary level according to the salary amounts in Ordinance #2022-03 for the temporary part-time positions of police matron, crossing guards, general part-time, DPW part-time and seasonal employees.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Riccardi and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope (hereinafter referred to as the “ Employer” by resolution adopted a Deferred Compensation plan (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) effective 12/15/15 for the purpose of making available to eligible employees the accrual of tax benefits under a Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 amended Section 402A(e)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”); and
WHEREAS, the Employer desires its Plan to add Roth provisions brought about by the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010; and
WHEREAS, the Employer desires to adopt a restated Plan that is substantially similar to one on which a favorable Private Letter Ruling has been previously obtained from the federal Internal Revenue Service including provisions of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (United States Public Law No 104-188), the Tax Payer Relief Act of 1997 (United States Public Law No. 105-34), the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (United States Public Law No. 107-16), Section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue code, the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, and all such provisions are stated in the plan in terms substantially similar to the text of those provisions in the Code Section 457 including pertinent applicable Treasury Regulations. The use of the Ruling is for guidance only and acknowledges that for Internal Revenue Service purposes, the Ruling of another employer is not to be considered precedent; and
WHEREAS, such revised Plan shall supersede the previously adopted Plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that the Employer hereby adopts the attached revised Plan 20-PD-EQUITABLE-091720.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Riccardi and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
CONSENT AGENDA (All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Borough Council and were enacted by one motion of the Borough Council with no separate discussion.)
WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-3© the State Treasurer increased the bid threshold to $44,000 effective July 1, 2020 for contracting units that have appointed a Qualified Purchasing Agent (QPA); and
WHEREAS, as a result, the quote threshold for the municipalities with a QPA has increased from $6,000 to $6,600 (15% of the $44,000 QPA bid threshold); and
WHEREAS, the Borough has appointed Angelica Sabatini as QPA in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A: 11(b); and
WHEREAS, the Borough desires to take advantage of the increased bid threshold.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-3(c), the Borough’s bid threshold is hereby increased to $44,000 and the Borough’s quote threshold increased to $6,600.
WHEREAS, Daniel Makosky had placed funds on deposit in escrow with the Borough of Stanhope for a variance application and paid the $75 application fee, and
WHEREAS, the variance application was not needed; and
WHEREAS, the land use board recommends the refund of both the $75 application fee and $500 escrow fee.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, that a warrant be drawn to the vendor below in the designated amount representing a refund of unused escrow funds and application fee, as follows:
Daniel Makosky $575.00
11 Lenape Drive
Stanhope, NJ 07874
WHEREAS, the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA) established the Municipal Alliances for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in 1989 to educate and engage residents, local government and law enforcement officials, schools, nonprofit organizations, the faith community, parents, youth and other allies in efforts to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse in communities throughout New Jersey. In coordination with GCADA, the New Jersey Department of Human Services/Division on Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) has awarded a Youth Leadership Grant to the GCADA Municipal Alliance Program.
WHEREAS, The Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey recognizes that the abuse of alcohol and drugs is a serious problem in our society amongst persons of all ages; and therefore has an established Municipal Alliance Committee; and,
WHEREAS, the Borough Council further recognizes that it is incumbent upon not only public officials but upon the entire community to take action to prevent such abuses in our community; and,
WHEREAS, the Borough Council has applied for DMHAS Youth Leadership funding through the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse through the County of Sussex;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey hereby recognizes the following:
- The Borough Council does hereby authorize submission of an application for DMHAS Grant funding for the Lenape Valley Municipal Alliance for Year One Grant Term 7/1/22 – 3/14/23 in the amount of:
DMHAS Grant Funding $1,956.00_
2. The Borough Council acknowledges the terms and conditions for administering the Municipal Alliance grant, including the administrative compliance and audit requirements.
WHEREAS, the homeowner was approved to receive the property tax exemption of a totally disable veteran as of the date of application, April 8, 2022, and is therefore exempt from property taxes from the date forward; and
WHEREAS, the total amount due for the first half of 2022 was $3,150.21; and
WHEREAS, the total liability is now pro-rated for 97 days from January 1, 2022 to April 7, 2022, or a total payable of $1,697.61; and
WHEREAS, the property owner has in good faith paid the amount of $2,169.51 in 2022, creating an overpayment of $471.90 in taxes on this property;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, that a check be drawn to the homeowner in the designated amount representing an overpayment of taxes, as follows:
Block Lot Name & Address Tax Year Amount
10607 5 Francis Staples 2022 $471.90
6 Lakeview Terrace
Stanhope, NJ 07874
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Riccardi and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolutions were duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
Mayor’s Appointment
Resolution 099-22 Resolution Approving The Mayor’s Appointment Of Lynn Carol Zaremba, As An Associate Member Of The Stanhope Fire Department
Mayor’s appointment of Lynn Carol Zaremba, as an associate member of the Stanhope Fire Department.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of Stanhope that they do hereby concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Lynn Carol Zaremba, as an Associate Member of the Stanhope Fire Department effective immediately.
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Riccardi and carried by a majority voice vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted. Councilman Wronko abstained.
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified that funds are available in the proper account; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has approved payment upon certification from the Borough Department Heads that the goods and/or services have been rendered to the Borough;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope that the current bills list, dated April 26, 2022 and on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chief Finance Officer for payment, be paid.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Thornton and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
Angelo Bolcato, Borough Attorney, stated he had no report this evening.
Mayor Zdichocki stated the Borough has received a check, which was presented to the Borough by Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill’s office. This grant was made possible by the hard work of the Borough Engineer, the Administrator and the governing body. The funds will be used for a water project in the Borough.
Mayor Zdichocki opened the meeting to the public after advising attendees that there is a five (5) minute time limit for each speaker.
Seeing no one from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Zdichocki closed the public portion of the meeting.
On motion by Councilman Wronko, seconded by Councilman Riccardi, and unanimously carried by voice vote the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M.
Linda Chirip
Deputy Clerk for
Ellen Horak, RMC
Borough Clerk