Gene Wronko
(Term expires 12/31/2027)
Bill Thornton (Council President)
(Term expires 12/31/2027)
Diana Kuncken
(Term expires 12/31/2025)
Thomas Romano
(Term expires 12/31/2026)
Anthony Riccardi
(Term expires 12/31/2026)
Scott Wachterhauser
(Term expires 12/31/2025)
Tyler Simpson
(Term expires 12/31/2027)
All meetings are open to the public and public participation will be entertained but limited to five minutes for each speaker to provide the Governing Body sufficient time to complete its work.
The first meeting of the month is the Work Session/Agenda Meeting. The second meeting of the month is the Regular Business Meeting. All meetings shall convene at 7:00 p.m., unless specified differently below. Formal action may be taken at all Work Session/Agenda and Business meetings.
Meeting Dates for 2025 are as follows:
Work Session-Agenda Meetings / Regular Business Meetings
NOTE: If there is a time change it is noted in parenthesis next to the date.
January 14 (6:00PM) / January 28 (6:00PM @ American Legion)
February 11 (6:00PM) / February 25
March 11 / March 25
April 8 / April 22
May 13 / May 27
June — / June 24
July 8 / July 22
August 12 / August 26
September 9 / September 23
October 14 / October 28
No Work Session / November 25
No Work Session / December 9
The Annual Reorganization Meeting shall be held on January 6, 2026 at 7:00 p.m.
All meetings shall be opened to the public and public participation will be entertained at all meetings but limited to five minutes for each speaker to provide the Governing Body sufficient time to complete its work.
Click Here for Recent and Archived Meeting Minutes
Click on the link below to view Resolution 051-25 in it’s entirety. Resolution adopting an Affordable Housing Obligation for the Fourth Round. This resolution was adopted by the Governing Body on January 28, 2025. Resolution 051-25 Affordable Housing Obligation for Fourth Round
Click on the link below to view Resolution 051-24 in it’s entirety. This is a Resolution to Affirm the Borough of Stanhope’s Civil Rights Policy with Respect to All Officials, Appointees, Employees, Prospective Employees, Volunteers, Independent Contractors, and Members of the Public that Come Into Contact with Municipal Employees, Officials and Volunteers. This resolution was adopted by the Governing Body on January 23, 2024. Resolution 051-24 Affirm Borough’s Civil Rights Policy