August 10, 2021
7:00 P.M.
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Adequate Notice of this Meeting has been provided according to the Open Public Meetings Act, Assembly Bill 1030. Notice of this Meeting was included in the Annual Meeting Notice sent to the New Jersey Herald and the Daily Record on January 13, 2021 and was placed on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building and on the official website of the Borough of Stanhope.
Furthermore, notice of the change in the meeting location was sent to the New Jersey Herald and Daily Record on June 9, 2021 and was placed on the official bulletin board in the Municipal Building.
In the event the Mayor and Council have not addressed all items on this Agenda by 10:00 PM and they are of the opinion that they cannot complete the Agenda in a reasonable time period, the Mayor and Council may exercise their option to continue this meeting at an agreed to date, time and place. Please turn off all cell phones for the duration of this Meeting.
Council Members:
Councilwoman Kuncken – present
Councilman Thornton – present
Councilman Riccardi – present
Councilman Vance – present
Councilman Romano – present
Councilman Wronko – present
Mayor Zdichocki – present
Shade Tree Ordinance Proposed – Administrator McNeilly stated the Borough Attorney is reviewing the proposed changes to the Shade Tree ordinance. The revised ordinance should be ready for the first reading at the August 24th meeting.
Stanhope Pedestrian Loop Phase 2 – Administrator McNeilly stated work has begun at the Stanhope School path. The path has been cleared and the location of the lights have been marked. This week the light bases and conduit work will begin. The plan was to source the light bases from outside. The time delay was intense so the contractor will be making them in house. The work on the Lenape path will be next.
Baker Place Water Main – Administrator McNeilly stated a successful bid opening was held last week. The pre-construction meeting with Regal Utility Services will occur once the signed contract and the performance bond are received.
Highland Avenue / Baker Place Paving – Administrator McNeilly stated the bid opening for the road resurfacing is on August 31st at 2:00 P.M. If a good bid is received, it is anticipated the contract will be awarded at the September 14th meeting.
Dell Road – Administrator McNeilly stated the DPW is installing the additional catch basins on Dell Road. Additionally, they also repaired the rock wall in the creek alongside 13 Dell Road. There has been a situation with a drainage pipe on Dell Road which has caused water and ice buildup in the road which has also been fixed. The next drain pipe to be fixed is on Sagamore Road.
Kelly Place, Old Waterloo Road and Furnace Street – Administrator McNeilly stated the Kelly Place, Old Waterloo Road and Furnace Street Project is waiting for NJDOT to release the design documents so that the Borough can go out to bid. The canal running under Kelly Place has held things up a bit. The construction timeline is starting to push into the late fall. The grant requires the project to be awarded in 2021. The Borough has an outstanding grant for Sparta Road paving from 2018 which we were allowed to roll over due to certain circumstances. Due to the fact the NJDOT is causing the delay, the Borough should be able to acknowledge this by resolution and the extension should be granted so we do not lose the funding. This project is not just a mill and pave job. There is also drainage included.
Route 206 Gas Station – Administrator McNeilly stated the gas station/convenience store on Route 206 has received a 60-day Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). The Construction Department and Engineering are working closely on the remaining work to be completed. If the work is not completed in the 60-day timeframe, the TCO will be pulled and the business will be shut down. The Fire Department, Rescue Squad, County Fire Marshal and the Local Office of Emergency Management were all notified of the opening.
Budget 2022 – Administrator McNeilly stated the Departments, Boards and Commissions memos, requesting the operating and capital budgets for 2022, were distributed on July 23rd. The due date is September 16, 2021.
Maple Terrace Crosswalk – Administrator McNeilly stated the initial crosswalk installed at Crestview Drive followed this format. The initial memo went back and forth with County Engineering. The agreement was then received from the County, as this is a shared service. The Borough then passed a resolution accepting the shared service agreement which was then sent back to the County for processing. The Borough has not received the initial document from the County with regard to the Maple Terrace Crosswalk. Administrator McNeilly stated he requested that official document today. The crosswalk will not be installed by September. In addition, there are some challenges on both sides of Maple Terrace. Administrator McNeilly stated he hopes the paperwork can be prepared for the next meeting. The striping is the responsibility of the County. Councilman Thornton asked if Administrator McNeilly’s request included the request to have the County stripe the existing crosswalk. Administrator McNeilly stated he did not make a request for the striping because that is done by a different department but he will submit a request.
Dell Road – Mayor Zdichocki asked when the work on Dell Road is estimated to be completed. Administrator McNeilly replied the second catch basin should be done tomorrow. Then the trench will be dug across the road. The work should be completed by the end of this week or next week. Councilman Thornton asked why the work on Dell Road was not done prior to the road being paved. Administrator McNeilly stated the problem did not show itself prior to the paving. Prior to the road being paved, the water issues, for the two people of concern, were in the back. There was so much crack and rubble on the road that it was like a washboard of disbursement for the water. Once the road was paved, the surface was so smooth it ran the water directly into the driveway. This was not an issue of missed engineering. This neighborhood, like most of those in town, just were not built with adequate drainage. Oak Drive has no drains until you get to the far end. Delaware Avenue has no drainage and it runs down to Elm Street. Up until 13 years ago, Elm Street had no drains either. Much discussion took place regarding the drainage and water runoff. The catch basins are doing their job. Highpoint Condominiums stormwater plan meets the requirements for when it was built back in the 1970’s. If a development this size was built today it would be designed with more stormwater drainage. This current project was the only way to correct the existing problem. Administrator McNeilly stated cutting into the newly paved road was not desired, especially when the paving occurs after 30 years. The section of the road being patched will be sealed with a top-quality sealant.
Convenience Store on Route 206 – Mayor Zdichocki asked if the convenience store at the new gas station on Route 206 is open. Administrator McNeilly stated he has not driven into the station. The store does have the Local and County Board of Health approvals. The store is included in the TCO. In the future, there will be a generator installed to be able to pump gas during power outages.
Stanhope Pedestrian Loop Phase 2 – Councilman Riccardi asked if having to make the light bases in house will delay the timeline. Administrator McNeilly stated this will actually help the electrician stay on time. The contractor will be staging his equipment at the DPW yard. Nothing will be staged at the Stanhope School. There may have to be some civil rights signage posted at the school but there will be no port-o-johns or supplies staged at the school. Councilman Thornton stated he has heard equipment will be staged at the Little League Field. Administrator McNeilly stated the contractor was told to contact the Little League Field to ask permission. Administrator McNeilly stated he will check on this. Salmon Brothers is a local contractor and Gilmore Electric, the sub-contractor, is also local and they know the Little League is not a municipal lot. Councilman Thornton stated the Little League is not opposed but information should be communicated. Administrator McNeilly agreed and stated there are liability issues which need to be covered.
Sale of Surplus Equipment – Mayor Zdichocki asked if the sale of equipment will take place soon. Administrator McNeilly stated he will work with the DPW Superintendent to organize the items for the sale as soon as possible.
Tax Sale – Administrator McNeilly stated the first list will be posted at the beginning of September.
Land Use Board – Councilman Vance stated last night he attended his second Land Use Board meeting as a member of the board. An application has been submitted for a minor sub-division for 114 Brooklyn Road. The existing house would be demolished and two new homes would be built with a shared driveway. The Engineer’s Report contains two and a half pages of comments. Last night there was also a variance extension granted for a home being built on Linden Avenue. The Land Use Board prepared their budget for 2022 which is slightly lower than last years budget. Escrow balances were also reviewed which consist of 6-8 accounts. Councilman Vance stated at the previous Land Use Board Meeting the month before, a change of use was approved from residential to commercial for parking for the Juntos property. This application is moving to a site plan phase. The single greatest issue is parking. Juntos is required to have 45 parking spots. They have managed to create 39 parking spots. The straw poll of the Land Use Board indicates that 39 parking spots will probably be acceptable. Some residents from New Street spoke regarding drainage issues. A notice was received from Juntos stating they would not be present at last nights meeting.
AED Defibrillator – Mayor Zdichocki stated there is an AED Defibrillator on the wall outside the Council Chamber door. Administrator McNeilly will have signage installed so people will know where the AED is located. Mayor Zdichocki stated she would like to have a training session, not a certification, for anyone interested in learning how to use the AED. This would include the Council, the heads of the boards and commissions and the employees. The equipment does walk a user through the steps required to utilize the equipment but it is helpful to be familiar with the unit.
Boards and Commissions – Mayor Zdichocki stated this past year has been difficult for the boards and commissions but with help from volunteers the Borough was able to run a food pantry. Mayor Zdichocki asked Councilman Vance, as the Boards and Commissions Committee Chairperson, to reach out to the Environmental Commission and the Recreation Commission to get things scheduled for the coming year. A 20th anniversary 9/11 Ceremony is scheduled for September 11th. Councilwoman Kuncken is co-chairperson for this event and invitations will be sent out to the residents. This will take place at Musconetcong Park. A plaque will be placed at the 9/11 tree which the Borough received. Some First Responders will be present and other guests have been invited to attend. Mayor Zdichocki challenged the Council to get more involved with community events and to come up with some new ideas. Councilwoman Kuncken stated the next water bill being sent to the residents will contain information about the 9/11 ceremony.
Family Fun Day – Councilwoman Kuncken stated Family Fun Day, which was held last month, went well despite the weather, it was a very hot day. Unfortunately, due to the heat, many of the senior citizens who usually attend were not able to be there. There was great representation from the council members who all attended. The event ended about an hour early due to the dark clouds that rolled in. Councilwoman Kuncken thanked the women from the Recreation Commission for the work they did to pull this event together. They did a great job. Mayor Zdichocki stated she appreciates the work done by the Recreation Commission and the Council Members.
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope advertised for the receipt of sealed competitive bids for the Baker Place Water Main Replacement Project (the “Project”); and
WHEREAS, the Borough accepted sealed, competitive bids on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 for the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Borough Attorney has reviewed the bids for compliance with the Local Public Contracts Law and the Borough’s bidding requirements; and
WHEREAS, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Project was Regal Utility Services, Inc., with a Bid of $88,558.55;
WHEREAS, the Borough Engineer concurs in the recommendation of the award of the contract to Regal Utility Services, Inc.
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has reviewed and approved of the award to Regal Utility Services, Inc.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope that the Borough does hereby award the contract to Regal Utility Services, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $88,558.55, for the Baker Place Water Main Replacement Project.
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Wronko and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
CONSENT AGENDA (All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Borough Council and were enacted by one motion of the Borough Council with no separate discussion.)
WHEREAS, all jurisdictions within Sussex County have exposure to hazards that increase the risk to life, property, environment, and the County and local economy; and
WHEREAS; pro-active mitigation of known hazards before a disaster event can reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property; and
WHEREAS, The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390) established new requirements for pre and post disaster hazard mitigation programs; and
WHEREAS; a coalition of Sussex County municipalities with like planning objectives has been formed to pool resources and create consistent mitigation strategies within Sussex County; and
WHEREAS, the coalition has completed a planning process that engages the public, assesses the risk and vulnerability to the impacts of natural hazards, develops a mitigation strategy consistent with a set of uniform goals and objectives, and creates a plan for implementing, evaluating and revising this strategy;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Borough of Stanhope of the County of Sussex:
- Adopts in its entirety, the 2021 Sussex County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (the “Plan”) as the jurisdiction’s Hazard Mitigation Plan and resolves to execute the actions identified in the Plan that pertain to this jurisdiction.
- Will use the adopted and approved portions of the Plan to guide pre- and post-disaster mitigation of the hazards identified.
- Will coordinate the strategies identified in the Plan with other planning programs and mechanisms under its jurisdictional authority.
- Will continue its support of the Mitigation Planning Committee as described within the Plan.
- Will help to promote and support the mitigation successes of all participants in this Plan.
- Will incorporate mitigation planning as an integral component of government and partner operations.
- Will provide an update of the Plan in conjunction with the County no less than every five years.
- This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope received a request from the residents of Lakeview Estates to conduct their annual block party; and
WHEREAS, said block party is scheduled for Saturday, September 11, 2021 from the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Towpath Lane between house numbers 10 and 14.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, does hereby grant approval to Lakeview Estates to hold a block party on Saturday, September 11, 2021 from the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Towpath Lane between house numbers 10 and 14.
WHEREAS, due to a retirement in March 2015, Mr. Pershouse was named the Electrical Subcode Official and Inspector on a temporary basis; and
WHEREAS, the Borough would like to permanently appoint Mr. Pershouse as the Electrical, Fire and Plumbing Subcode Official effective August 10, 2021;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope that effective August 10, 2021, Thomas Pershouse is hereby appointed as the permanent Electrical, Fire and Plumbing Subcode Official for the Borough of Stanhope.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Vance and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolutions were duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
Mayor’s Appointment
Resolution 156-21 Mayor’s Appointment of Nicole Bolognini to the Borough of Stanhope Recreation Commission
Mayor’s appointment to the Recreation Commission as follows:
Nicole Bolognini to fill an unexpired term, said term to expire 12/31/2024
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of Stanhope that they do hereby concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Nicole Bolognini as Alternate #2 of the Recreation Commission, to fill an unexpired 5-year term, with said term to expire December 31, 2024.
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Thornton and unanimously carried by voice vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified that funds are available in the proper account; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has approved payment upon certification from the Borough Department Heads that the goods and/or services have been rendered to the Borough;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope that the current bills list, dated August 10, 2021 and on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chief Finance Officer for payment, be paid.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilwoman Kuncken and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wronko – yes
All items listed on the Agenda for August 24, 2021 were approved.
Mayor Zdichocki opened the meeting to the public after advising attendees that there is a five (5) minute time limit for each speaker.
Joshua Scherl, 28 Brookview Road, Denville, NJ asked if the governing body has approved the use of recreational marijuana. Mr. Scherl stated he was told by someone that Stanhope had opted in. Mayor Zdichocki stated Stanhope Borough did not opt in for the recreational marijuana use. The council has decided to hold off until more information is available.
Seeing no one further from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Zdichocki closed the public portion of the meeting.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilwoman Kuncken and unanimously carried by voice vote the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M.
Linda Chirip
Deputy Clerk for
Ellen Horak, RMC
Borough Clerk