FREE Rabies Clinic/Dog Licensing (In Hopatcong Borough)
Hopatcong Borough is hosting a Free DRIVE THRU Rabies clinic that will be held Friday, May 29 from 10-1pm at the Senior Center (32 Lakeside Blvd., Hopatcong, NJ 07843). Stanhope Borough residents, as well as residents of New Jersey, are welcome to attend the clinic.
To maintain a safe experience for pets, owners/handlers and the veterinarians administering vaccinations during this State of Emergency, residents are being asked to adhere to following:
- Residents must come in a vehicle and remain in their vehicle at all times while waiting for their turn.
- All residents MUST wear masks and practice social distancing while at the Clinic.
- Dogs should be restrained with a non-retractable 6-foot leash or other safe control to allow a quick and unimpeded transfer to the veterinarian for vaccination.
- Cats must be in a secured carrier to prevent escape.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Stanhope Borough Rabies Clinic scheduled in April was cancelled and the pet license due date was extended until May 30, 2020.
All dogs and cats residing in Stanhope Borough are required to have a valid license and current rabies vaccination.
Please submit your dog and cat license registration as soon as possible. The Mayor & Council have extended the deadline to June 30th in order to license your pet without incurring a late fee. After June 30th, a $5.00 per month, per pet, late fee will be charged. Payment must be by check or money order, made payable to Stanhope Borough. You can send in the registration by mail or you may drop it off in the mail slot located on the front door of the municipal building. The licenses will be processed and mailed back to you. If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office.