July 27, 2021, 6:00 P.M
Click Here To View/Print PDF Version of Minutes
Mayor Zdichocki invited all those present to stand in a salute to the colors.
Adequate Notice of this Meeting has been provided according to the Open Public Meetings Act, Assembly Bill 1030. Notice of this Meeting was included in the Annual Meeting Notice sent to the New Jersey Herald and the Daily Record on January 13, 2021 and was placed on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building and on the official website of the Borough of Stanhope.
Furthermore, notice of the change in the meeting location was sent to the New Jersey Herald and Daily Record on June 9, 2021 and was placed on the official bulletin board in the Municipal Building.
Furthermore, notice of the change in the meeting time was sent to the New Jersey Herald and Daily Record on July 23, 2021 and was placed on the official bulletin board in the Municipal Building.
In the event the Mayor and Council have not addressed all items on this Agenda by 10:00 PM and they are of the opinion that they cannot complete the Agenda in a reasonable time period, the Mayor and Council may exercise their option to continue this meeting at an agreed to date, time and place. Please turn off all cell phones for the duration of this meeting.
Council Members:
Councilwoman Kuncken – absent
Councilman Thornton – present
Councilman Riccardi – present
Councilman Vance – present
Councilman Romano – absent
Councilman Wronko – present
Mayor Zdichocki – present
Mayor Zdichocki opened the meeting to the public after advising attendees that there is a five (5) minute time limit for each speaker.
Seeing no one from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Zdichocki closed the public portion of the meeting.
Mayor Zdichocki read aloud the list of minutes being presented for approval:
June 22, 2021 Business Meeting
On motion by Councilman Thornton, seconded by Councilman Riccardi and unanimously carried by voice vote, the above listed minutes were approved.
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Wronko and unanimously carried by voice vote, the list of correspondence was accepted and ordered placed on file.
On motion by Councilman Vance, seconded by Councilman Wronko, the Council Committee Reports were waived.
Public Safety – Councilwoman Kuncken/CouncilmanThornton
(Police, Fire, Ambulance, Court & Violations Bureau, Emergency Management)
Finance & Administration – Councilman Romano/Councilwoman Kuncken
Community Development – Councilman Wronko/Councilman Riccardi
Municipal Infrastructure – Councilman Thornton/Councilman Wronko
(Water Distribution, Sewer Collection System, Road Construction & Maintenance, Buildings & Grounds)
Information Technology – Councilman Riccardi/Councilman Vance
Boards/Commissions – Councilman Vance/Councilman Romano
Mayor Zdichocki appointed Councilman Vance as the Chair of the Boards and Commissions Committee and as a member of the Information Technology Committee to fill the vacancy left by Councilman Cippolini’s resignation. The governing body unanimously approved the appointment.
Stanhope Pedestrian Loop Phase II – Administrator McNeilly stated we had hoped to have work begin on July 19th. Work has been delayed until today. Some of the reasons for the delay have to do with work in the ground, which will cost the Borough less. The project is being funded by a grant but there are two areas that will cost the Borough less. The first is in the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Area which is under the Civil Rights umbrella on DOT. This took our 6% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise number and brought it to 4.87%. The Borough’s threshold was at 2%. So, we are well above it. The document had to be changed and therefore had to run through different processes. Earlier today permission was given to produce the Notice to Proceed. A lot of time was not lost last week because all of the potential ordering is now ready to go. The notice was sent to Salmon Brothers this afternoon. They will sign and acknowledge the notice and will then move forward on the purchasing and staging. Once the equipment is on site, Salmon Brothers can then begin to get paid. Work can begin tomorrow. This does not mean that equipment will be out on the street as yet. The electrician has staging to do with conduit and bases. The roadwork is minimal. The entrance to Lenape Drive South is the most significant part. Residents will be notified when work will be done in the area. The construction window is very tight due to the location of the two schools. Mayor Zdichocki asked if the work will be done prior to school beginning. The construction window goes to December. The Borough is a net 15 town and the federal highway administration handbook requires us to relief against active purchase orders within 30 days. As GPI inspects the work and it is approved, the invoice will then be placed on the bills list for approval by the governing body. This will keep the project moving forward. Administrator McNeilly stated he was concerned the biggest issue was going to be ordering the light fixtures but the contractor is of the opinion this will not be a problem. Councilman Thornton asked how the residents will be notified. Administrator McNeilly replied flyers will be delivered to the resident’s door, Nixle messages will be sent. If a broader road closure is required for some reason the County will be notified. In addition, signage can be placed on the road which is guided by engineering. If the project drags into the sports and recreation period of time, another strategy will be determined.
Lauren Angelini Request (22 Main Street) – Administrator McNeilly stated the building to the immediate left of the Firehouse has a residence upstairs and a storefront on the lower level. The most recent use was as a gun shop. Prior to that it was an arts and crafts shop. The most recent Zoning Application is for a hair salon and has received zoning approval. The building does not have central air conditioning. The owner wants to install a system that would hang off of the building. A few years ago, the Borough had a survey done of this area on Main Street. Several of the buildings in this area have zero clearance. The building in question, in trying to hang the air conditioning unit on the side of the building, will overhang to the neighboring property, which is owned by the Borough, by two to three inches. The request being made is if the Borough would permit the air conditioning unit to be installed with this overhang. If the request is granted then Zoning can complete the application. Administrator McNeilly stated there was a similar situation a few years ago with the property located on the curve on Kelly Place. The owner of the four-family home, Doug Wright, wanted to re-install the porch roof but needed relief approval due to the fact the roof would hang into the right of way. The governing body did approve that request. The air conditioning unit would be mounted high enough so that no one would hit their head on it. The unit would be hung on the back-left corner. It would not be an issue for the Fire Department. The Borough’s survey shows a line going down through the center of the staircase and a line goes across the back of the building. In reading the old titles for the properties, the rear property line is the northern headwall of the canal. Once you get past the basketball court, it starts to line up with the center ridge of the firehouse as the back of the building. It also shows some amount of rights twenty feet into the road. Administrator McNeilly asked Mayor Zdichocki to conduct a straw poll of the governing body. The results will then be relayed back to the Zoning Officer.
Mayor Zdichocki conducted a straw poll of the governing body and asked if they would approve the installation of an air conditioning unit on the building in question which will overhang onto Borough property. The results are as follows: Councilman Riccardi – yes, Councilman Thornton – yes, Councilman Vance – yes, Councilman Wronko – yes. Administrator McNeilly stated he will inform the Zoning Officer that the request has been approved by the governing body.
Speed Limit Trailer – Councilman Vance asked Administrator McNeilly where the speed limit trailer is currently located. Administrator McNeilly stated there are two speed limit trailers. The Police Chief asked today to have one placed on Dell Road. The gun on the newest trailer is not working. The gun on the older trailer does seem to be working and is currently being charged. Councilman Vance stated he would like the trailer placed on Main Street near the Ambulance Squad entrance. Since the auto business on Main Street moved out, things have gotten better, however, there are cars still flying up and down the road. Councilman Vance is concerned there is going to be an accident. Administrator McNeilly stated the trailer will be placed on Dell Road for a period of time and then it will be moved to Main Street. Discussion took place regarding speed humps and speed tables located in other parts of the Borough. Mayor Zdichocki stated the Police Department can be contacted regarding the speeding issues. Administrator McNeilly stated Main Street is a cut through area but the traffic on Dell Road is mainly the local residents who live in that area. Councilman Thornton stated he and Councilwoman Kuncken were approached at Family Fun Day from a resident of Spring Lane asking about installing speed humps. The residents do not believe the speeding cars are neighbors. They are of the opinion it is people cutting through to avoid the speed humps. Administrator McNeilly stated Spring Lane only has 4-5 houses and there will never be an applicable use for speed humps. There are driveway location issues and drainage issues. When the homeowner asked to have speed humps installed, an explanation was provided as to why it is not an option. Administrator McNeilly is of the opinion Spring Lane is not being used as a cut through. Much discussion took place regarding speed humps. Administrator McNeilly stated it is surprising how much traffic volume is coming up King Street. A house that used to have one car now has six, which is happening nationwide. Administrator McNeilly will find out if the other speed limit trailer can be repaired. Councilman Riccardi asked if the sign will be on Valley Road. Administrator McNeilly stated as a result of concerns brought up regarding that area, there will be more activity there. Administrator McNeilly stated the message board has been repaired and is now usable. Funds are available for the purchase of a new message board and the extra $1,000 will be spent to have a radar gun included.
Lighted Crosswalk – Councilman Thornton asked if the County has indicated when the new lighted crosswalk will be installed at Maple Terrace. Administrator McNeilly stated he does not have an installation date but he will inquire. Councilman Thornton asked if the crosswalk could be painted soon, if the installation is not going to happen in the near future.
CONSENT AGENDA (All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Borough Council and were enacted by one motion of the Borough Council with no separate discussion.)
WHEREAS, the Stanhope Police Department is currently working with the Class of 2021 S.T.E.M. group from Lenape Valley High School on a sign project; and
WHEREAS, Sign Art Graphics provided aluminum for the project, worth approximately $100.00, and wishes to donate the material; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:5-29 authorizes the Borough to accept gifts such as the donation being made by Sign Art Graphics.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope that the donation of aluminum from Sign Art Graphics is hereby accepted.
WHEREAS, the Tax Collector has received payment for the redemption of Tax Title Lien No. 2019-008, representing property taxes and/or utility charges on Block 11501, Lot 2, C0014, known as 114 Alpine Ct, assessed to Donnelly, Mark J, Estate of, and;
WHEREAS, the Tax Collector certifies that reimbursement is now required to be made to the following lien holder for the required redemption amounts as shown below:
To Lienholder: Sunset Global Assets LLC
P.O. Box 131
Lakewood, NJ 08701-0131
Redemption Amount: Tax Title Lien #2019-008 and
Interest to Date of Meeting $ 22,841.06
Premium Paid by Lienholder 1,000.00
Total From Current Fund: $ 22,841.06
Total From Tax Premium Account 1,000.00
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that the Borough Treasurer be authorized to prepare the necessary check as stated above and to forward same to the lien holder.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Borough Chief Financial Officer/Tax Collector.
WHEREAS, the Tax Collector has received payment for the redemption of Tax Title Lien No. 2020-019, representing property taxes and/or utility charges on Block 11501, Lot 2, C0315, known as 16315 Dell Pl, assessed to Laura A Rodek, and;
WHEREAS, the Tax Collector certifies that reimbursement is now required to be made to the following lien holder for the required redemption amounts as shown below:
To Lienholder: M & P Retirement Plan
P.O. Box 2051
Morristown, NJ 07962-2051
Redemption Amount: Tax Title Lien #2020-019 and
Interest to Date of Meeting $ 4,063.28
Premium Paid by Lienholder 1,600.00
Total From Current Fund: $ 4,063.28
Total From Tax Premium Account 1,600.00
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that the Borough Treasurer be authorized to prepare the necessary check as stated above and to forward same to the lien holder.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Borough Chief Financial Officer/Tax Collector.
On motion by Councilman Wronko, seconded by Councilman Thornton and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolutions were duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – absent
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – absent
Councilman Wronko – yes
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified that funds are available in the proper account; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has approved payment upon certification from the Borough Department Heads that the goods and/or services have been rendered to the Borough;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope that the current bills list, dated July 27, 2021 and on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chief Finance Officer for payment, be paid.
On motion by Councilman Wronko, seconded by Councilman Vance and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Councilwoman Kuncken – absent
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Riccardi – yes
Councilman Vance – yes
Councilman Romano – absent
Councilman Wronko – yes
Mayor Zdichocki opened the meeting to the public after advising attendees that there is a five (5) minute time limit for each speaker.
Nancy Hoyt, 33 Lawrence Avenue, stated the conversation earlier was regarding the building to the left of firehouse. Mrs. Hoyt asked where are the outside steps on the building. Administrator McNeilly stated the steps are on the side of the building back near the bushes. They are difficult to see. Mrs. Hoyt asked if the town can pick up brush that has been placed at the edge of someone’s property? The large tree limbs came down in the last storm. Administrator McNeilly stated the next brush pickup is scheduled in September. Much discussion took place regarding brush pick up. Clean ups are scheduled when a large storm comes through the Borough, such as the tornado which occurred a few years ago or the hurricanes. There is a man-power and work flow issue which prevents being able to pick up brush on an on-call basis. Homeowners have to cut up the brush on their own but they do have the option of taking the brush to the DPW yard on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s.
Seeing no one further from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Zdichocki closed the public portion of the meeting.
On motion by Councilman Riccardi, seconded by Councilman Thornton, and unanimously carried by voice vote the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M.
Linda Chirip
Deputy Clerk for
Ellen Horak, RMC
Borough Clerk