March 26, 2024 7:00 P.M.
Click Here to View/Print PDF Version of Minutes
Mayor Wronko invited all those present to stand in a salute to the colors.
Adequate Notice of this Meeting has been provided according to the Open Public Meetings Act, Assembly Bill 1030. Notice of this Meeting was included in the Annual Meeting Notice sent to the New Jersey Herald and the Daily Record on January 10, 2024 and was placed on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.
In the event the Mayor and Council have not addressed all items on this Agenda by 10:00 PM and they are of the opinion that they cannot complete the Agenda in a reasonable time period, the Mayor and Council may exercise their option to continue this meeting at an agreed to date, time and place. Please turn off all cell phones for the duration of this Meeting.
Councilwoman Kuncken – present
Councilman Simpson – present
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton – present
Councilman Romano – present
Councilman Wachterhauser – present
Mayor Wronko – present
Mayor Wronko opened the meeting to the public after advising attendees that there is a five (5) minute time limit for each speaker.
Seeing no one from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Wronko closed the public portion of the meeting.
Mayor Wronko read aloud the list of minutes being presented for approval:
February 13, 2024 Work Session and Agenda Meeting
February 27, 2024 Business Meeting and Closed Session
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Romano and carried by a majority voice vote, the minutes for February were approved. Councilman Wachterhauser abstained from the Closed Session Minutes of February 27, 2024.
On motion by Councilman Thornton, seconded by Councilman Simpson and unanimously carried by voice vote, the list of correspondence was accepted and ordered placed on file.
Public Safety – Councilwoman Kuncken/Councilman Riccardi
(Police, Fire, Ambulance, Court & Violations Bureau, Emergency Management)
Councilwoman Kuncken stated for the month of February the Fire Department reported there were 9 calls answered; 8 mutual aid calls; 4 drills and 7 special details for a total of 255.5 man hours volunteered.
Councilwoman Kuncken stated the Police Department for the month of February reported 113 motor vehicle stops and there were 235 total calls.
Councilwoman Kuncken stated the Sussex County Fire Marshal reported there were no complaints of fire responses for the month of February. There were 12 inspections conducted. Three of those failed and needed to be corrected. The abatement date was set for March 5th. The report next month will inform the governing body if those issues have been abated. Two of the issues had to do with temperatures in freezers, there were some outdated fire extinguishers and the use of extension cords.
Councilwoman Kuncken stated for the month of February the Ambulance Squad reported 18 calls answered in Stanhope, 32 in Netcong, 2 in Hopatcong and 4 in Roxbury for a total of 56 calls. There were 35 trips made to the hospital and they travelled 1,019 miles. There were 185 total hours volunteered.
Finance & Administration – Councilman Romano/Councilman Thornton
Councilman Romano stated the month to date amount for tax collection, for February, was $2,595,705.69. The year to date collection is $3,160,267.37. The percentage of collection for the first quarter taxes is 96%. Slightly over 3% has been collected for the second quarter taxes. This is 2% better than last year.
Councilman Romano stated the water collections for the month of February totaled $9,710.04. The year to date collection is $49,457.59. The sewer collections for February were $11,093.69 and the year to date amount is $58,239.13. Both accounts are solvent.
Community Development – Councilman Wachterhauser/Simpson
Councilman Wachterhauser stated he had no report.
Municipal Infrastructure – Councilman Thornton/Councilman Romano
(Water Distribution, Sewer Collection System, Road Construction & Maintenance, Buildings & Grounds)
Councilman Thornton stated gas line installations have begun on the side streets. Work has been completed from Grove Road to Elm Street. Tomorrow work will begin on Delaware Avenue. When the school is on spring break, work will be done in that section of the Borough at Elm Street down to Hickory Drive and Spencer Street to Elm Street.
Information Technology – Councilman Riccardi/Wachterhauser
Councilman Wachterhauser stated he had no report.
Boards/Commissions – Simpson/Councilwoman Kuncken
Councilman Simpson stated the Easter Egg Hunt was held this past Sunday and it went very well. Councilman Simpson thanked the Recreation Commission and stated they did a great job organizing the event. Councilman Simpson also thanked the Stanhope Fire Department and the Ambulance Squad for their help with the event.
Councilman Simpson stated on Sunday, April 21st, a community cleanup day is scheduled. This is a great event to help keep our community clean and volunteers are needed.
Councilman Romano stated the free rabies clinic is scheduled for Friday, April 12th.
Mayor Wronko thanked everyone who helped with the Easter Egg Hunt. It was nice to see everyone helping with the activities and being part of the community. Councilwoman Kuncken stated there was a great crowd in attendance and there were a lot of young families. They were all very appreciative and thanked the volunteers over and over for providing such a nice event.
Councilman Thornton asked if the Borough will be sponsoring an Electronic Waste collection day. Administrator McNeilly stated the Borough is sponsoring a Shred Day on April 20th. The company that has done the Electronic Waste collection in the past has not responded back to let us know if they are available. The County is sponsoring an electronic waste collection on April 13th at SCMUA.
Administrator McNeilly stated he does not have a written report this evening.
Sunset Avenue, Ridge Road, Overhill Road Project – Administrator McNeilly stated the preconstruction meeting for Sunset Avenue, Ridge Road and Overhill Road will be held on Thursday. The required 4×8 sign, that is part of the requirements for the funding, will be placed at Ridge Road Park soon.
Gas Line Installations – Administrator McNeilly stated there is high focus with the gas line installations due to the sensitivity for the school access. There were two areas on Grove Road where the gas company encountered rock which caused a bit of a delay. Digging went well to the cul-de-sac. Moving up Delaware Avenue will not be quick due to the amount of rock. At least one approach has to always be open to the school. During spring break, three crews will be brought in and they will be working long days. Work is scheduled for 7:00am to 6:00pm, but it may run longer. If bad weather causes delays, work will be done on the following Saturday. The only thing that will be a problem is when they get to Spencer Street because that will have to be completely shut down. The detour will direct everyone up onto Brooklyn Road. It will be an inconvenience but it is going to happen. There will always be access to the school.
Hydrant Flushing – Administrator McNeilly stated hydrant flushing will begin soon and will continue during the month of April.
Hazardous Shade Tree Program – Administrator McNeilly stated with help from Ellen Horak, Clerk, the paperwork has been signed electronically for the Hazardous Shade Tree Grant. A resolution will be prepared for adoption in the near future for the arborist to conduct the hazardous tree inventory with the Shade Tree Commission.
Street Scape Trees for Delaware Avenue – Administrator McNeilly stated he and Jason Titsworth, DPW Superintendent will be meeting with the Shade Tree Commission to discuss the street scape trees for Delaware Avenue. The 30-35 trees were budgeted for two or three years ago. The DPW Superintendent will need to approve the plan due to the fact there are drain pipes between the sidewalks and the curbs.
NJ Natural Gas Meeting – Councilwoman Kuncken stated she attended the NJ Natural Gas Meeting at the American Legion last week. The gas company received 45 RSVP’s however, there were over 100 people in attendance. Brian Klinger is the NJ Natural Gas public relations representative. Mr. Klinger has already sent out emails to the residents and he is following through. Councilwoman Kuncken stated anyone who is interested in becoming a NJ Natural Gas customer, if you agree to have the lateral run and make that commitment prior to April 30th, there is a $250 cash incentive to do so. Administrator McNeilly stated he heard from the NJ Natural Gas Marketing Team that they were pleased with the turnout at the meeting and another meeting will be planned in the future. The gas company has found that as homes are connected and people start talking about how much cheaper the gas bill is as opposed to the cost of oil, more people start calling to become customers. There will most likely be two more town meetings. One for the next section of the Borough to receive gas lines and one for the condominiums. The challenges for the condominiums will be very specific. Administrator McNeilly stated he did let the gas company know, prior to this past meeting, that the fact they received 45 RSVP’s was good but there would be a large number of walk-ins.
James McNeilly Scholarship – Administrator McNeilly stated the James McNeilly Scholarship was established many years ago after his father’s death. James McNeilly was an elected official for many years and was very civic minded. The scholarship is civic based and is given out by the Stanhope School. This scholarship was not necessarily meant for the academic student but for someone who is involved in things which are important to the Borough of Stanhope. Sometimes the award is given to a Girl Scout or Boy Scout or someone who does something for the greater good of the school. The scholarship is for $100.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Thornton and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, approval was granted to provide $100 for the James McNeilly Scholarship for the Stanhope School.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton– yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
Public Hearing and Adoption of the 2024 Municipal Budget
WHEREAS, N.J.S.40A:4-8 provides that the budget may be ready by title only at the time of the public hearing if a resolution is passed by not less than a majority of the full Governing Body, provided that at least one (1) week prior to the date of public hearing a complete copy of the approved budget, as advertised, has been posted in the Municipal Building and copies have been made available by the Clerk to persons requesting them; and
WHEREAS, these conditions have been met;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that the 2024 Municipal Budget shall be read by title at this Public Hearing for same.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilwoman Kuncken and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton– yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
Resolution 086-24 Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope Adopting the 2024 Municipal Budget
BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, that the budget herein before set forth is hereby adopted and shall constitute an appropriation for the purposes stated of the sums therein set forth as appropriations, and authorization of the amount of $5,569,087.11 for municipal purposes.
On motion by Councilman Thornton, seconded by Councilman Romano and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Mayor Wronko opened the meeting to the public for questions or comments on this resolution only. Seeing no one from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Wronko closed the public portion of the meeting.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton– yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
Ordinance for Introduction and First Reading [Public Hearing on April 9, 2024]
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope (the “Borough”) Code includes Chapter 100, entitled “Land Development”; and
WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Borough Zoning Officer, there is a need to revise the Borough Code to prohibit use of certain vehicles and units as living quarters within the Borough; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County, New Jersey, as follows:
Chapter 100 of the Borough Code, entitled “Land Development” is hereby amended with the addition of Article XXIV “Prohibited Uses”, Section 100-175, “Uses prohibited in every district” as follows:
ARTICLE XXIV. Prohibited Uses
Section 100-175 Uses prohibited in every district.
A. The following uses are prohibited in every district
1. The occupancy for human habitation of any vehicle, recreational trailer, motor home or any other dwelling unit designed for transportation after fabrication, whether used as a second residence (or use) on developed lots, or as a primary residence on vacant or undeveloped lots.
If any provision of this Ordinance or the application of this Ordinance to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances or resolutions that are inconsistent or in opposition to the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed in their entirety.
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption and publication in accordance with law.
The Municipal Clerk is directed to give notice at least ten days prior to the hearing on the adoption of this Ordinance to the County Planning Board and to all others entitled pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-15. Upon the adoption of this Ordinance, after public hearing, the Municipal Clerk is further directed to publish notice of the passage and to file a copy of this Ordinance, as finally adopted, with the Sussex County Planning Board, as required by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-16.
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Romano and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing ordinance was introduced.
Attorney Leo asked if the ordinance has been presented to the Land Use Board. Ellen Horak, Clerk, stated this is the introduction. The Land Use Board meets on April 8th.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
On motion by Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilwoman Kuncken, and unanimously carried by voice vote, the Mayor and Council instructed the Clerk to post the ordinance and authorized publication of same.
Mayor Wronko offered the following resolutions which were read by title.
Section 1. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex (the “Borough”) entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the improvement of the water supply and distribution system (James Street) in and by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $256,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $256,000 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on June 24, 2014 (#2014-11), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $34,633.98 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 2. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $465,000, and authorizing the issuance of $191,955 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on August 12, 2014 (#2014 13) bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $23,877.90 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 3. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $35,000, and authorizing the issuance of $35,000 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, for the water supply and distribution system of the Borough”, finally adopted on August 12, 2014 (#2014 14) bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $6,880 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 4. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $271,750, and authorizing the issuance of $258,150 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on April 28, 2015 (#2015 10) bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $52,328.86 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 5. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $128,000, and authorizing the issuance of $128,000 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, for the water supply and distribution system of the Borough”, finally adopted on April 28, 2015 (#2015 08) bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $46,650.82 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 6. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the improvement of various roads in and by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $120,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $114,000 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on July 28, 2015 (#2015-14), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $27,117 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 7. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $338,034, and authorizing the issuance of $305,200 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on April 26, 2016 (#2016-04), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $84,805 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 8. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $170,000 and authorizing the issuance of $161,500 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on May 9, 2017 (#2017-03), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $27,635.54 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 9. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the improvement of Sparta Road and various trails in and by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $1,905,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $90,000 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on March 27, 2018 (#2018-03), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $36,743 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 10. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $1,622,850, and authorizing the issuance of $1,328,740 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on May 8, 2018 (#2018-09), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $643,244.45 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 11. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $688,525, and authorizing the issuance of $658,525 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, for the sanitary sewerage system of the Borough”, finally adopted on May 8, 2018 (#2018-10), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $303,128 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 12. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $54,850, and authorizing the issuance of $54,850 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, for the water supply and distribution system of the Borough”, finally adopted on May 8, 2018 (#2018-11), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $36,958 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 13. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $431,800, and authorizing the issuance of $409,900 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on February 19, 2019 (#2019-01), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $170,056.06 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 14. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $82,000, and authorizing the issuance of $82,000 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, for the water supply and distribution system of the Borough”, finally adopted on February 19, 2019 (#2019-02), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $54,583 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 15. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $38,000, and authorizing the issuance of $38,000 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, for the sanitary sewerage system of the Borough”, finally adopted on February 19, 2019 (#2019-03), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $15,084 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 16. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of new and additional vehicular equipment for use by the sewer utility of the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $28,400 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $28,400 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on January 28, 2020 (#2020-01), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $15,788 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 17. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $461,300, and authorizing the issuance of $334,625 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on January 28, 2020 (#2020-02), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $128,567.13 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 18. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $236,400 and authorizing the issuance of $236,400 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, for the water supply and distribution system of the Borough”, finally adopted on January 28, 2020 (#2020-03), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $124,469.26 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 19. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of new and additional equipment for the Department of Public Works of the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $27,810 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $26,420 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on April 27, 2021 (#2021-07), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $20,136 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 20. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the improvement of various roads in and by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $294,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $42,750 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on May 25, 2021 (#2021-11), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $32,700 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 21. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $521,325, and authorizing the issuance of $323,120 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on May 10, 2022 (#2022-05), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $287,789.06 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 22. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the improvement of the water supply and distribution system in and by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $687,540 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $10,540 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on May 10, 2022 (#2022-06), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $9,324.94 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 23. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of new and additional vehicular equipment for use by the water utility of the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $31,500 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $16,500 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such appropriation”, finally adopted on April 25, 2023 (#2023-03), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $16,500 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 24. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance appropriating $528,000, and authorizing the issuance of $308,000 bonds or notes of the Borough, for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey”, finally adopted on April 25, 2024 (#2023-04), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $308,000 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 25. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Borough entitled: “Bond ordinance making a supplemental appropriation of $160,000 for the improvement of the water supply and distribution system in and by the Borough heretofore authorized to be undertaken by the Borough of Stanhope, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, and authorizing the issuance of $152,000 bonds or notes of the Borough for financing such supplemental appropriation”, finally adopted on May 9, 2023 (#2023-08), bond anticipation notes of the Borough in a principal amount not exceeding $152,000 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any bond anticipation notes heretofore issued therefor.
Section 26. All bond anticipation notes (the “notes”) issued hereunder shall mature at such times as may be determined by the treasurer, the chief financial officer or the acting chief financial officer of the Borough (the “Chief Financial Officer”), provided that no note shall mature later than one year from its date. The notes shall bear interest at such rate or rates and be in such form as may be determined by the Chief Financial Officer and shall be signed and sealed by officials and officers of the Borough in any manner permitted by N.J.S.A. §40A:2-25. The Chief Financial Officer shall determine all matters in connection with the notes issued hereunder, and the Chief Financial Officer’s signature upon the notes shall be conclusive evidence as to all such determinations. All notes issued hereunder may be renewed from time to time subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. §40A:2-8. The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to sell part or all of the notes at not less than par from time to time at public or private sale and to deliver them to the purchasers thereof upon receipt of payment of the purchase price. The Chief Financial Officer is directed to report in writing to the governing body of the Borough at the meeting next succeeding the date when any sale or delivery of the notes hereunder is made. Such report must include the principal amount, interest rate and maturities of the notes sold, the price obtained and the name of the purchaser.
Section 27. Any note issued pursuant to this resolution shall be a general obligation of the Borough, and the Borough’s faith and credit are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on the notes and, unless otherwise paid or payment provided for, an amount sufficient for such payment shall be inserted in the budget and a tax sufficient to provide for the payment thereof shall be levied and collected.
Section 28. The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to do all other matters necessary, useful, convenient or desirable to accomplish the delivery of the notes to the purchasers thereof as promptly as possible, including (i) the preparation, execution and dissemination of a Preliminary Official Statement and Final Official Statement with respect to the notes, (ii) preparation, distribution and publication, if necessary, of a Notice of Sale with respect to the notes, (iii) execution of a Continuing Disclosure Undertaking, with respect to the notes in accordance with Rule 15c2 12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and (iv) execution of an arbitrage and use of proceeds certificate certifying that, among other things, the Borough, to the extent it is empowered and allowed under applicable law, will do and perform all acts and things necessary or desirable to assure that interest paid on the notes is not included in gross income under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Section 29. All action heretofore taken by Borough officials and professionals with regard to the sale and award of the notes is hereby ratified, confirmed, adopted and approved.
Section 30. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
On motion by Councilman Thornton, seconded by Councilman Simpson and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton– yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope is in need of a new mid-sized 4WD dump truck for the use by the Stanhope Borough Department of Public Works; and
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope’s Supervisor of Public Works recommends the purchase of a Chevrolet Silverado MD (CK56403) 4WD Regular Cab Work Truck through the Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 52:34-6.2(b)(3) permits the Borough of Stanhope to purchase a Chevrolet Silverado MD (CK56403) 4WD Regular Cab Work Truck using a national cooperative pricing system that utilizes a competitive proposal process awarding contracts; and
WHEREAS, Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council is a nationally recognized and accepted cooperative purchasing contracting unit that utilizes competitive proposal processes; and
WHEREAS, Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council, through Pellegrino Chevrolet, has submitted a quote for the Chevrolet Silverado MD (CK56403) 4WD Regular Cab Work Truck for $147,250.00; and
WHEREAS, the use of Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council results in cost savings to the Borough; and
WHEREAS, the CFO has certified that the maximum dollar amount of the contract shall not exceed $147,250.00 and that funds are currently available for the purpose of awarding the contract.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope authorizes the purchase of a Chevrolet Silverado MD (CK56403) 4WD Regular Cab Work Truck, through Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council, in the amount of $147,250.00
This resolution shall take effect immediately.
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Thornton and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Councilman Wachterhauser stated this is a larger truck but it is not a CDL. Administrator McNeilly confirmed this and stated it is hydraulic based. Mayor Wronko asked Administrator McNeilly to explain why the cost is $147,000 as opposed to $80,000 or $90,000. Administrator McNeilly stated this is a full-size dump truck with a plow and the extra lights. The truck is being purchased fully rigged and ready for operation. When the Borough began looking for truck replacements, the Sterling, which is the 26,000 pound large dump truck used to clear the large roads, and used to pick up black top and various materials, has air brakes and requires a CDL license to operate it. There are not too many occurrences where a 26,000 pound vehicle is required. The Sterling was purchased in 2004. Originally, the replacement for this truck was going to cost $200,000 and would still have required a CDL driver. By dropping down to a 22,500 pound truck with hydraulic brakes we will no longer need to hire employees with a CDL license. This will also help to capture some savings. The new truck is essentially a super-sized version of the Borough’s mason dump truck. This truck will also be able to tow the leaf machine.
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton– yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope is in need of a new 4×4 pick-up truck for the use by the Stanhope Borough Department of Public Works; and
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stanhope’s Supervisor of Public Works recommends the purchase of a 2024 Ford F-350 Regular Cab 4×4 Pick-Up Truck through the Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 52:34-6.2(b)(3) permits the Borough of Stanhope to purchase a 2024 Ford F-350 Regular Cab 4×4 Pick-Up Truck using a national cooperative pricing system that utilizes a competitive proposal process awarding contracts; and
WHEREAS, Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council is a nationally recognized and accepted cooperative purchasing contracting unit that utilizes competitive proposal processes; and
WHEREAS, Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council, through Ciocca Ford of Flemington, has submitted a quote for the 2024 Ford F-350 Regular Cab 4×4 Pick-Up Truck for $55,168.50; and
WHEREAS, the use of Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council results in cost savings to the Borough; and
WHEREAS, the CFO has certified that the maximum dollar amount of the contract shall not exceed $55,168.50 and that funds are currently available for the purpose of awarding the contract.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope authorizes the purchase of a 2024 Ford F-350 Regular Cab 4×4 Pick-Up Truck, through Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council, in the amount of $55,168.50.
This resolution shall take effect immediately.
On motion by Councilwoman Kuncken, seconded by Councilman Simpson and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton– yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
WHEREAS, the Borough Police Department was advised by Calvin Alston, General Manager of Spark Car Wash, that all Stanhope Borough police vehicles will now be exempt from wash fees at the Ledgewood, New Jersey location, which total $11.25 per basic wash; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:12-5 and N.J.S.A. 40A:5-29 authorizes the acceptance of bequests, legacies and gifts.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope authorize the acceptance of the exemption of car wash fees for police vehicles at Spark Car Wash in Ledgewood, New Jersey.
On motion by Councilman Thornton, seconded by Councilman Wachterhauser and unanimously carried by voice vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified that funds are available in the proper account; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has approved payment upon certification from the Borough Department Heads that the goods and/or services have been rendered to the Borough;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope that the current bills list, dated March 26, 2024 and on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chief Finance Officer for payment, be paid.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Simpson and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote, the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.
Roll Call:
Councilwoman Kuncken – yes
Councilman Simpson – yes
Councilman Riccardi – absent
Councilman Thornton – yes
Councilman Romano – yes
Councilman Wachterhauser – yes
Attorney Leo stated, for the benefit of the newer members of the council, any time there is a Land Use Development Ordinance, any change in the Land Use Code has to go back to the Land Use Board for consideration. They have a certain amount of time to consider this and report back to the governing body. The Clerk also has to send the ordinance to the County. This type of ordinance is handled differently than others.
Attorney Leo provided an update on the Affordable Housing. The Borough did not opt-in to COAH during the last round. A memo will be provided, but due to signed legislation, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) will be charged with developing the Affordable Housing need for each municipality. In late October, Stanhope will receive the figure from the DCA. At that time the Borough can choose to opt-in or not.
Mayor Wronko opened the meeting to the public after advising attendees that there is a five (5) minute time limit for each speaker.
Bill Eaves asked when the roads are closed down to only Hickory Drive or Delaware Avenue for the gas line installations, is there a way to place a temporary ban on street parking? Mr. Eaves stated he has noticed over the past few days that going up Delaware Avenue cars have been parked on both sides in front of people’s houses and with cars trying to go in an out it is causing a bottleneck issue. Administrator McNeilly stated he will discuss the issue with the Police Chief. Councilman Thornton stated, when speaking with the gas company, it was made very clear that it is important to have Grove Road or Delaware Avenue open with Hickory Dive as a secondary. Administrator McNeilly confirmed that Grove Road and Hickory Drive cannot be closed at the same time. If that does happen, the Police Department should be contacted. Mr. Eaves stated this morning there was a dump truck waiting in line for another dump truck to back out and this caused a backup of about 17 cars. Administrator McNeilly stated he will reach out to the contact he has at the gas company regarding the problem. The gas company has been instructed not to be actively working in the road or staging equipment on the road during that time period. Councilwoman Kuncken stated she had to call Administrator McNeilly the other day due to the fact that whoever was driving the front loader down Valley Road the other day was going way too fast. Children were walking on the sidewalks at that time. Councilwoman Kuncken thanked Administrator McNeilly for reporting the issue which did result in the driver slowing down.
Mr. Eaves stated he found some out of state MD trucks, Class 5’s, which do not have a plow and he does not know what type of light packages they have but they are 2023’s which range in cost from $86,000 to $95,000. Mr. Eaves asked why the Borough is purchasing a truck for $150,000. Administrator McNeilly stated that is the cost through the Morris County Co-op. It is the bid price and it will be delivered complete with the plow.
Seeing no one further from the public wishing to speak, Mayor Wronko closed the public portion of the meeting.
WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 P.L. 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and
WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exists;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, as follows:
- The general nature of the subject matter(s) to be discussed is as follows:
1 – Attorney-Client (Redevelopment)
2. It is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject matter(s) will be made public at the conclusion of each individual specified subject matter.
3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilwoman Kuncken, and unanimously carried by voice vote, the foregoing resolution was adopted.
The Mayor and Council went into Closed Session at 7:31 P.M.
At the conclusion of the Closed Session, the Mayor and Council reconvened the public meeting at 8:07 P.M. with all present, except for Mayor Wronko and Councilman Thornton.
On motion by Councilman Romano, seconded by Councilman Simpson and unanimously carried by voice vote the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
Linda Chirip
Deputy Clerk for
Ellen Horak, RMC
Borough Clerk