Columbus Day – Borough Hall Closed
Borough Hall will be closed on Monday, October 10th, in observance of Columbus Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday at 8:30AM.
Mayor & Council Work Session/Agenda Meeting (Special Presentation by Stanhope School)
PLEASE NOTE: The Mayor and Council Meeting scheduled for October 11, 2022 will begin at 6:00PM. IMPORTANT MEETING Residents Are Encouraged to Attend the Mayor and Council Meeting on October 11, 2022 at 6:00PM for a SPECIAL PRESENTATION by the STANHOPE BOARD OF EDUCATION, regarding the school’s plan to hold a SPECIAL ELECTION to request funding...
Board of Health
The Board of Health, in conjunction with the Sussex County Health Department, provides an array of health promotion and disease prevention programs such as cancer screenings, blood pressure testing, and flu & pneumonia vaccinations. Environmental health services include inspection of restaurants and retail food vendors, inspection of public bathing facilities, free rabies immunization clinic, mosquito...
SCMUA Free Electronics Recycling Collection
The SCMUA Solid Waste/Recycling Facility, 34 South Route 94, Lafayette is offering Free Electronics Recycling on October 15, 2022 from 7am to 2pm. Examples of what items can be included are: Desktop Computers, Laptops, Printers, cell phones, televisions, VCR's, DVDs and CDs, fax machines and copiers, radios and stereos, etc. (NO appliances). Residents and businesses...
Leaf Collection Route #2
Leaf collection for Route #2 will take place the week of October 17th. Leaves must be placed curbside by Sunday, October 16th. Leaves should NOT be placed in the street. Residents can also bring leaves to the DPW yard located at 7 Smith Street on Wednesday or Saturday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM. Route #2 includes: Baker...
Land Use Board
Borough Hall 77 Main Street, Stanhope, NJ, United StatesThe Land Use Board ensures that proposed development within our Borough promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of our community as we grow. All proposed development must be presented before the Land Use Board for approval. In addition, the Land Use Board considers the appeals of decisions made by our Zoning Officer, interprets our...
Leaf Collection Route #3
Leaf collection for Route #3 will take place the week of October 24th. Leaves must be placed curbside by Sunday, October 23rd. Leaves should NOT be placed in the street. Residents can also bring leaves to the DPW yard located at 7 Smith Street on Wednesday or Saturday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM. Route #3 includes: Brooklyn...
Mayor & Council Regular Meeting
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE FOR THIS MEETING: The Mayor & Council Meeting scheduled for October 25, 2022 will begin at 6:00PM. The Mayor and Council Work Session/Agenda Meetings and Regular Business Meetings for the Borough of Stanhope will be held at the Stanhope Borough Hall, 77 Main Street, at 7:00PM. Formal action may be...
Stanhope Senior Citizen Club
Our Seniors meet on the 4th Thursday of every month, 11am, at the American Legion Musconetcong Post 278 located at 119 Route 183 in Stanhope. (The club does not meet in August.) Arrive at 11am for a social hour. The meeting begins at 12pm. Dues are $15 per year. Members are 55 years of age...
Halloween Parade
The Stanhope Recreation Commission is sponsoring the annual Halloween Parade and costume contest on October 29th at 12 Noon. The Parade will begin at the Municipal Building (77 Main Street) and end at the Fire House (26 Main Street). There will be prizes for children ages 0 to 10. Bring your pets in costumes for...