To license a pet, begin by printing a Pet License Application which can be found on the Resources/Forms Page. Pet licensing is handled by the Borough Clerk.
Commonly Asked Questions about Pet Licensing
What do I do if my dog or cat loses their license tag?
If your dog or cat has lost their tag you may obtain replacement tags through the Municipal Clerk’s office for a fee of $5.00.
What is the annual license fee?
Annual license fees are as follows: Dog, neutered/spayed – $10.00 Dog, not neutered/spayed – $13.00 Cats – $10.00 Replacement Tag – $ 5.00 (this is for lost tag in same calendar year) (There is no fee for licensing a seeing/hearing or service dog for the handicapped.)
How do I license my dog or cat?
Residents can license their dogs and cats at the Municipal Clerk’s office Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please remember to bring proof of your pets rabies vaccination (must be valid through October 31st of the licensing year) and alteration papers if not already on file with the Municipal Clerk’s office.
How old must a dog or cat be in order to need a license?
All dogs and cats kept within Stanhope must be licensed by the time they are seven (7) months or have their permanent teeth.
When must my dog/cat be licensed?
Your pet must be licensed annually by April 30th. Licenses issued after April 30th are subject to a $5.00 per month late fee.
What do I do if my dog or cat loses their license tag?
If your dog or cat has lost their tag you may obtain replacement tags through the Municipal Clerk’s office for a fee of $5.00.
What is the annual license fee?
Annual license fees are as follows: Dog, neutered/spayed – $10.00 Dog, not neutered/spayed – $13.00 Cats – $10.00 Replacement Tag – $ 5.00 (this is for lost tag in same calendar year) (There is no fee for licensing a seeing/hearing or service dog for the handicapped.)
How do I license my dog or cat?
Residents can license their dogs and cats at the Municipal Clerk’s office Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please remember to bring proof of your pets rabies vaccination (must be valid through October 31st of the licensing year) and alteration papers if not already on file with the Municipal Clerk’s office.
How old must a dog or cat be in order to need a license?
All dogs and cats kept within Stanhope must be licensed by the time they are seven (7) months or have their permanent teeth.
When must my dog/cat be licensed?
Your pet must be licensed annually by April 30th. Licenses issued after April 30th are subject to a $5.00 per month late fee.