- This event has passed.
Upcoming Election
October 15, 2020
An event every week that begins at 12:00 am on Thursday, repeating until October 29, 2020

PLEASE NOTE: You can no longer register to vote for this upcoming election but you can register online so you will be registered for future elections. The State of NJ now has an online system which will enable you to register online by visiting this website: NJ Voter Registration
Considering the ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Governor Murphy signed P.L. 2020,c.72 on August 28, 2020, which requires County Clerks to send all active registered voters a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the upcoming November 3, 2020 General Election.
Click Here To Go To Board of Elections Instructions
Your mail-in ballot packet will be mailed to you at the end of September. If you want to participate in the General Election, you are encouraged to vote the ballot that is mailed to you. A limited number of Polling Places will be available for voters on Election Day where voters may vote only by Provisional Paper Ballots. (Provisional Ballots are different from mail-in ballots cast at the polls. Voters who received a mail-in ballot from their County Clerk have already been confirmed as eligible to vote. Provisional Ballots are used when a voter’s right to vote is in question. When voting a Provisional Ballot, the voter also has to complete an affidavit and have their ID recorded. The County Board of Elections then investigates to make sure they are eligible to vote and that they didn’t already vote. These ballots are not counted on Election Day; they are counted 1-2 weeks later, after the investigation is concluded.)
If you have a disability and need an accessible Vote-by-Mail ballot, please contact the County Clerk’s Election Division at 973-579-0900, ext. 1507, or you may go to your assigned polling place, which will provide you with access to an in-person accessible voting device on Election Day.
Detailed instructions for voting by mail will be included with your ballot packet. Your packet will also contain a postage paid envelope for the return of your ballot through the United States Postal Service. You are not required to attach a stamp. You may choose instead to deposit your ballot in a secure ballot drop box located throughout the county (see below for list) or present your ballot to a poll worker at your assigned polling place on Election Day.
Return your ballot; you have 4 options
1. Mail your ballot in the postage paid envelope for the return of your ballot through the United States Postal Service.
2. Deposit it in one of 13 secure Ballot Drop Boxes (see list below) located in the county (if you designate someone to deliver it for you, that person would be your “bearer” and must complete the boxed bearer section on the front of the blue envelope. A Bearer may only bring their ballot plus 3 others. If the Bearer does not sign the ballot as the bearer, the ballot will not be counted.) The boxes are monitored with security camera surveillance and are emptied daily by the Sussex County Board of Elections.
3. Hand-deliver your ballot to the County Board of Elections (if you designate someone to deliver it for you, that person would be your “bearer” and must complete the boxed bearer section on the front of the blue envelope. A Bearer may only bring their ballot plus 3 others. If the Bearer does not sign the ballot as the bearer, the ballot will not be counted.)
4. Hand-deliver your ballot to a poll-worker at your designated polling location on Election Day. (Note: You cannot deliver someone else’s ballot to a polling place, you can only bring the one you personally voted.) The Polling Location for All Stanhope residents for this election will be at the American Legion, 119 Route 183, Stanhope. (Nov. 3rd from 6am – 8pm)
If you do not receive a ballot by mid-October, please contact the County Clerk’s Office at 973-579-0900 ext. 1507. Ballots are being mailed to the address at which the voter is registered to vote. If you plan to be out of town between September 25th and Election Day and you will not be home when your mail-in ballot arrives, you should notify the County Clerk’s Office so that arrangements can be made to mail your ballot to an alternate address. Vote and return your ballot as soon as possible. This will ensure you have time to correct any possible issues (such as a signature discrepancy).
Tracking Your Ballot: You can track the return of your ballot to the County Board of Elections by calling 1-877-NJ-VOTER or by going to https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/auth/sign-in to log in or sign up for an individual account to track your Vote-By-Mail ballot.
Sussex County Ballot Drop Box Locations
- Andover Borough Municipal Building
- Andover Township Municipal Building
- Frankford Township Municipal Building
- Franklin Borough Municipal Building
- Fredon Township Civic Center
- Hardyston Township Municipal Building
- Hopatcong Borough Municipal Building
- Montague Township Municipal Building
- Newton Municipal Building
- Sandyston Township Municipal Building
- Sparta Township Municipal Building
- Vernon Township Municipal Building
- Wantage Township Municipal Building
PLEASE NOTE: You can only deposit your ballot in a Sussex County Drop Box. Do Not deposit your ballot in a drop box located in another county.